Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Sunday November 16, 2025 9:45am - 10:15am MST
Brenda Bowen and Kerry Case, co-chairs of the University of Utah's Climate Commitment Task Force, will share an overview of the University of Utah's first Climate Resilience Assessment and ongoing work to develop an equity-centered Climate Change Action Plan.

In 2020, the University of Utah launched its first Climate Resilience Assessment as part of the Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitment, which President Taylor Randall re-committed to in 2021. This Climate Change Resilience assessment examined the institution’s ability to respond to climate threats in our community including risks associated with changes in temperature and seasonality (e.g., heat waves, megadroughts, dust storms, wildfires, changes in phenology) and changes in precipitation (e.g., flooding, megadroughts, reduced snowpacks). This work identified climate related vulnerabilities and strengths, developed indicators of resilience, and compiled baseline data and data gaps for key indicators. This assessment considered indicators of resilience related to social equity and governance, health and wellness, ecosystem services, infrastructure, and economics. Several the key climate change resilience indicators relate to systems that include the University and the broader watershed and ecosystem, such as water system stability and efficiency, ecosystem health and diversity, land and soil functionality, and management of campus-related ecosystems.

Now, with leadership from the Sustainability Office, the University is in the process of developing a new Climate Change Action Plan identifying how the institution will respond to changing climate. Recognizing that climate change is a threat multiplier, worsening existing problems of inequity and injustice in our society and systems, the University has chosen to center equity in this work. This new plan will outline priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations, prepare for the current and future impacts of climate change, educate all students with skills and knowledge to work toward a sustainable future, and research effects of and solutions to climate change. In this presentation we will share an overview of this work and highlight key partnerships and opportunities for collaboration and engagement within the watershed.
avatar for Brenda Bowen

Brenda Bowen

Professor of Geology and Geophysics and Chair of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah
Brenda B. Bowen is a Professor of Geology and Geophysics and Chair of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah. She works to facilitate interdisciplinary sustainability research, practice, and academic programs that address critical issues related to understanding global change... Read More →
avatar for Kerry Case

Kerry Case

Chief Sustainability Officer, University of Utah, Sustainability Office
Kerry Case is the Chief Sustainability Officer at the University of Utah. She provides senior administrative leadership for strategic planning and implementation of institutional sustainability efforts at the University.
Sunday November 16, 2025 9:45am - 10:15am MST
Lower Level - Ballroom A/B

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