Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Sunday November 16, 2025 10:40am - 11:10am MST
The Provo River Delta Restoration Project is one of the largest river and lake restoration projects in the region and is focused on providing juvenile rearing habitat for June Sucker in the face of changing hydrology. Come visit with us to find out how to plan and implement large-scale restoration projects that benefit both wildlife and people.

The Provo River Delta Restoration Project is one of the largest river and lake restoration projects in the region. URMCC has worked with countless partners and agencies to develop the vision for reconnecting a bay of Utah Lake to the main body of the lake through this project. It has involved the development of over 22,000 linear feet of new river channel on the delta where the Provo River historically entered Utah Lake into Skipper Bay. This project took more than a decade to plan and has taken more than two years to implement. The main focus for the project is to provide rearing habitat for the threatened June Sucker, found only in Utah Lake, but the variety of water depths will also help Utah Lake adapt to a changing climate. Additional benefits will include additional recreation access to the Lower Provo River and the newly reconnected Skipper Bay and Provo River Delta. There are many opportunities to get involved with planting and stewardship starting next spring.
avatar for Eric McCulley

Eric McCulley

Project Coordinator, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission
Eric McCulley is a project coordinator with Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (the Mitigation Commission). He has been working on restoration of rivers and riparian areas in the Intermountain West for almost three decades and has provided guidance for river projects... Read More →
Sunday November 16, 2025 10:40am - 11:10am MST
Lower Level - Ballroom A/B

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