Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Sunday November 16, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MST
The implications of misconceptions surrounding Utah Lake have become clear as wildly diverse proposals have been made for the lake’s management. This interdisciplinary panel will discuss Utah Lake research, management, and education to try to uproot misinformation and encourage evidence-based stewardship of this unique ecosystem.

Utah Lake is a large and unique waterbody at the heart of Utah Valley. Upstream of the Jordan River and Great Salt Lake, Utah Lake’s status is central to the functioning and resiliency of the Great Salt Lake watershed. Though it is one of the largest freshwater lakes west of the Mississippi River, many in the broader community know little about Utah Lake’s history, ecology, and importance to our future. This cultural disconnect has led to widespread misconceptions about the status of the lake, the effectiveness of management interventions, and the setting of restoration targets. While some of the Utah Lake debate has stemmed from legitimate scientific uncertainty, much of the confusion and controversy has its origins in political and regulatory pressures. The proposal to build islands on Utah Lake and the creation of the new Utah Lake Authority have intensified the political “heat”.

In this panel discussion, we will provide a brief overview of the Utah Lake ecosystem and then jump into its controversies regarding management, perception, research, and legislation. We will try to identify areas of consensus and continued scientific debate. We will also address the ideological and structural struggles that have occasionally hampered effective management and messaging about Utah Lake. Specifically, we will discuss trends and causes of algal blooms, habitat restoration, invasive species removal, and approaches for improving public understanding and management of Utah Lake and the Great Salt Lake watershed more broadly.
avatar for Erica Gaddis

Erica Gaddis

Senior Policy Advisor, Western States Water Council
Erica Brown Gaddis, PhD, is a Senior Policy Advisor for the Western States Water Council where she assists states with developing and analyzing water policies including those related to EPA rulemakings, infrastructure funding, and abandoned mine land remediation. Erica also teaches... Read More →
avatar for Erin Jones

Erin Jones

Lab Manager, BYU Environmental Analytical Lab
Erin grew up in Provo, and has a BS in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (USU ‘12) and a PhD in Wildlife and Wildlands Conservation (BYU ‘19). She has conducted research in streams and lakes across the Wasatch Front, studying aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. Dr. Jones... Read More →
avatar for Robert Sainsbury

Robert Sainsbury

Research Assistant, Brigham Young University
Robert is an undergraduate student at Brigham Young University who plans to graduate in April 2023 with a degree in statistics. He enjoys using data to solve complex and important problems. His research has focused on the impacts of mega fire events on stream chemistry, trends in... Read More →
avatar for Scott Daly

Scott Daly

Utah Lake Watershed Coordinator, Utah Division of Water Quality
Scott is the Division of Water Quality’s Utah Lake Watershed Coordinator and project manager of the Utah Lake Water Quality Study, a multi-year effort to develop nitrogen and phosphorus criteria to address harmful algal blooms and other nutrient-related concerns. He has been with... Read More →
avatar for Ben Stireman

Ben Stireman

Program Administrator, Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands
Ben Stireman is the Sovereign Lands Program Administrator for the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands ("Division"). The Division has executive management authority, as delegated by the Utah State Legislature, to manage sovereign lands for the State of Utah which include... Read More →
avatar for Ben Abbott

Ben Abbott

Professor of Watershed Ecology, BYU
Ben works primarily on the permafrost climate feedback and water quality in river networks. Drawing on biogeochemistry, evolutionary biology, and social science, his research investigates how the co-evolution of landscapes and ecosystems results in broad-scale patterns of biological... Read More →
avatar for Kaylee Tanner

Kaylee Tanner

Graduate Researcher, Brigham Young University
Kaylee Tanner is a PhD student at Brigham Young University. She has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and a master's in Civil Engineering and works under the direction of Dr. Gustavious Williams to apply knowledge from both disciplines in water quality research. She manages... Read More →
avatar for Eric Ellis

Eric Ellis

Executive Director, Utah Lake Authority
Eric Ellis was hired as the Executive Director of the Utah Lake Commission in March of 2015. Earlier this year, the Utah Lake Authority was formed and Director Ellis was retained as the first Executive Director for the newly formed entity. In his seven years with the Commission, Mr... Read More →
avatar for Mary Murdock Meyer

Mary Murdock Meyer

Chief Executive, Timpanogos Nation
Mary Murdock Meyer is the Chief Executive of the Timpanogos Nation. She is a direct descendant of Chiefs Aeropean and Walkara, two of the headmen of the Timpanogos people that lived along the Wasatch front when the pioneers entered the Valley. Her Tribe are indiginous to what is now... Read More →
Sunday November 16, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MST
Great Hall

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