Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Monday November 17, 2025 1:20pm - 1:50pm MST
This presentation will feature current work of Provo and Eagle Mountain to address water scarcity through their aquifer storage and recovery efforts and include examples of mapping social, jurisdictional, and economic factors to assess infrastructure and population vulnerability from impacts of climate change.

Our climate is changing, Utah and the west are in the midst of one of the worst droughts on record, and citizens are asking about what can be done to prevent it from getting worse and how to adapt. Lake Mead and Powell are at their lowest levels on record and Utah’s reservoirs are rarely full. Some organizations and industries are being proactive on this front and preparing for extreme drought that threatens our water supplies and fuel wildfires and on the other end extreme storm events that lead to flood damage, erosion and sediment clogging our infrastructure and filling our reservoirs. Others are overwhelmed by the possible extent of impacts. Cities, counties, and watershed districts are addressing this difficult issue in many ways. From dealing with unprecedented drought and water scarcity to flood events to developing adaptation plans, Utah cities and watershed districts along with others across the nation are being proactive through planning for the future of their water supplies, while also addressing the challenges of extreme damaging and erosive flood events.

This presentation will feature current work of Provo and Eagle Mountain to address water scarcity, and contrast this with what several watershed districts in other parts of the country are doing to address volatility in precipitation events. Examples include increasing efficiency in the management of groundwater and surface water sources, rethinking how we store water by using aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) instead of surface water reservoirs, aquifer sustainability planning, facilitating climate resilience workshops with local communities for them to plan for upcoming changes from storms, floods, heat, and warming winters. The results of these workshops have been incorporated into City Comprehensive Plans and resulted in multimillion dollar ASR projects. Other examples include mapping social, jurisdictional, and economic factors to assess population impacts of climate change, infrastructure vulnerability studies, and designing plant community restorations prepared for invasive species encroachment. This presentation will provide several examples of climate adaptation projects initiated by cities in Utah and watershed districts from other parts of the country.
avatar for Dallen Webster

Dallen Webster

Water Resources Engineer, Barr Engineering Co.
Dallen is a water resources engineer whose experience includes providing federal and state grant-proposal assistance, integrating regionally appropriate best management practices (BMPs) into stormwater management plans, hydraulic modeling to design river remediation strategies, assessing... Read More →
Monday November 17, 2025 1:20pm - 1:50pm MST
Lower Level - Ballroom A/B

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