Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Monday November 17, 2025 11:50am - 12:20pm MST
Four years into building & monitoring beaver dam analogs in the Great Salt Lake watershed and throughout Utah, we have complied several years of data. What have we learned and what opportunities do we have to improve restoration monitoring moving forward?

Streams and rivers across the American west are subject to habitat loss due in part to the extirpation of American beaver (Castor canadensis). Low-tech process-based restoration (LTPBR) has gained momentum across Utah and the region as a means to re-introduce beaver and the processes that they catalyze in river systems. We have implemented and monitored over 15 of these projects in the Great Salt Lake Watershed along with state partners and private landowners. These projects are motivated by a number of co-benefits, from riparian vegetation recruitment to floodplain reconnection, drought resilience, and extreme fire mitigation. Monitoring is a high priority, but fast and standardized protocols are often too generic to be helpful for adaptive management. The Rapid Stream-Riparian Assessment (RSRA) protocol provides metrics of overall riparian health for small to medium sized streams in this region, but not directly informative to adaptive management. In 2022, we developed a supplement to the RSRA for LTPBR projects to inform adaptive management more directly. Here, we will present the results from RSRAs on 25 restoration sites statewide before and up to 3 years post-implementation. We also share initial Amphibian Habitat Assessments from restoration sites in the elevational range of Boreal Toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas) and an overview and initial test group feedback on the adaptive management protocol.
avatar for Rose Smith

Rose Smith

Stream Ecologist, Sageland Collaborative
Rose Smith is a Stream Ecologist leading the Stream & Riparian Restoration program at Sageland Collaborative. Rose has a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Maryland and has previously served as a faculty member in the School of Biological Sciences and Department of Urban Planning... Read More →
Monday November 17, 2025 11:50am - 12:20pm MST
Lower Level - Ballroom A/B

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