Welcome to the event schedule and directory for the 16th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 16-17, 2022. Free and open to all, the Symposium encourages a comprehensive review of the current state of our watershed.
Sunday November 16, 2025 3:20pm - 3:50pm MST
Salt Lake County Watershed has been collecting water quality data in streams since 2010 with an aim to learn more about the relationship between water quality and the changes happening in our valley. Over a decade later, we are still collecting data and have learned quite a few things. This presentation will give a brief overview on everything water quality-related that SLCo Watershed is currently working on, with a deeper look into how long-deploy water quality sondes can fill gaps in data and track acute stream events.
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Sam Taylor

Watershed Scientist/Planner, Salt Lake County Watershed
Sam has worked with Salt Lake County since 2015 starting in the stream gauging program and moving to the watershed section in 2017. He oversees ongoing data collection efforts and special projects related to water quality.
Sunday November 16, 2025 3:20pm - 3:50pm MST
Lower Level - Ballroom A/B

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